Our Eco Policy

The Knaphill Schools PTA is committed to supporting eco issues and helping our community to take small steps to make a real difference and feel good.  Inspired by the principles of the “Take The Jump” initiative and a community consultation, we have developed SIX key focus areas for our eco policy. Our aim is to help our community to commit to simple, clear and doable actions that will make a contribution to tackling the climate crisis. 



Second-hand Book Fair: To coincide with Book Week, the PTA runs an annual Second-Hand book fair where children can grab amazing books at bargain prices. Books are collected in February each year, and donations are always welcome!

Community Libraries – Using the skills of members of the PTA, we built two community libraries – one for each school. These little libraries make books freely accessible to all, removing barriers to book access. Students can exchange books – taking books of interest to them and returning them when they have read it.

Ink cartridge recycling: We currently collect used ink cartridge for recycling and collection boxes are located in each school office.

Recycling points: The PTA has funded bins for writing implements (such as biros, felt tip pens, highlighters, etc), batteries and uniform in the Reception area at both schools.

We will continue to look at other recycling and upcycling opportunities. If you have any ideas, please get in touch.


Second-hand Uniform Shop: Through our pre-loved uniform sales, we provide low cost uniform to families and save hundreds of items of clothing from ending up in landfill. Nothing is wasted – spare clothing is donated to the schools in case children require an emergency change of clothes and we have also donated uniform to the charity Jigsaw, as they provide this free of charge to families struggling with the cost of this.

Second-hand Winter Coat Sale: In November each year, the PTA collects unwanted children’s and adult coats and then sells them to our community at low prices. Any coats left at the end of the sale are donated to local charitable causes.

Bag2School: We hold a Bag2school collection twice a year, collecting clothing that is no longer needed. The school receives money based on the weight of the items collected – so the more that is donated, the more money we make!


This is an area where the PTA has huge ambitions as we know how important this is to our school community.

Green Screen Installation at the Junior School: In Summer 2024, we installed over 100m of green screening in our junior school playgrounds. This will have huge benefits to our children and help to turn our grey spaces green and improve the air quality for our children! Please see our fundraising page for more information.

Grow your own project and wildlife garden at our Lower School: On the 30th November 2024, a team of 30 volunteers, with the support of Surrey County Council, installed a fruit orchard into our school grounds. We have also been successful with a funding application to install a Polytunnel at our Lower School – which is in the diary to be constructed in February 2025! We are also looking at options to create a wildlife garden in the Lower School to help expand our amazing forest school.

Knaphill Schools Eco Squad: The PTA is currently exploring ways to set up a litter picking squad from within the school community to help improve the local area for everyone. Watch this space!

In addition to our ambitions, we currently support both schools with maintenance and renovation jobs to help improve the environment for our children. Our activities include:

Green Mornings: We are very fortunate as a school to have some wonderful outside areas in our Lower School. These areas need maintenance to keep them at their best for our children to enjoy and the PTA lends its support to the school’s monthly green mornings.

School enhancement and renovation projects: The PTA also regularly undertakes projects to help enhance areas of the school. This has included building outdoor community libraries, improving the space outside our Year 2 entrance and enhancing the sensory garden.

Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival Exhibit: Each year the PTA supports the Lower School Eco Club to create an entry for the RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival Schools Display. We are privileged to help on this project and it’s always exciting to see our entry featured on Gardener’s World!

Woking in Bloom: In 2019, we entered the schools section of the competition for the first time and came a fantastic 2nd place!


In a recent survey with our community, travel to school and parking issues around the school were highlighted as an area of concern for local families.  We therefore have plans to investigate this further with our community and explore options for encouraging fresher travel.


Our community survey also highlighted that parents and carers are keen for their children to learn more about ‘growing their own’ and making healthy and active choices. Parents were also keen for children to understand more about food waste. The PTA is very excited to be installing a polytunnel at our Lower school in February 2025, so watch this space!


The PTA works closely with the school to explore ways that we can promote climate change issues and undertake activities that allow the children to think about how their actions impact the environment.

PTA Events: At PTA events throughout the year we try to reduce our waste in a number of ways, such as drinks for children served in reusable cups (rather than cartons and bottles), increasing our use of recycled paper and cardboard in our food offering and trying to reduce the amount of plastic at our events. We are open to ideas, so please help us to get even better!

Your help is needed! All PTA projects are run by volunteers and help is very gratefully received so if you are interested in getting more involved with any of these projects please get in touch by emailing: kfoseco@gmail.com